Greetings !
After a long hiatus its time to share news of the last several months and what I’ve been up to here in Bath (UK)
I am sure you may have thought I’d left the planet, but I have been busy “walking my talk” and doing all the stuff I advise my clients and students to do and embarking on new projects as well.
During my personal sessions with clients and in our Awaken Community Meetups one thing I am constantly speaking about is “Grounding”.
Being spiritually grounded will help you feel happier, calmer, and more fulfilled and it has benefits that can impact in many positive ways.
Grounding is all about balancing your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual “bodies” or energy fields. This is done by connecting with the energy of Mother Earth (Gaia).
There are many ways to ground your energy.
One of the simplest and most effective ways is to TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES and walk on grass or earth or sand.
In times gone by we had a much stronger link to the Earth as we walked barefoot – just as many indigenous cultures still do.
Now, with the advent of rubberised shoe soles we have largely lost our connection to Mother Earth and are no longer grounded.
Other ways to ground are to wade in sea water, lie on the earth in a field perhaps, or just embrace the sunlight and breathe in deeply, filling your heart chakra with a golden light.
The practice of Grounding will align your energy fields with the Earth’s energy and you will feel more present in the now movement, rather than scattered or out of sorts. This alignment and grounding of your energy will also help you feel more actively involved in the free-will decisions of your life rather than feeling like a lost bystander who is at the whim of events unfolding around you.
What better daily ritual than grounding could there be in these times of turbulence and chaos all around us?
For those who are actively being of service in the spiritual field, working as mediums, healers, sensitives or intuitives grounding is an essential technique to clear, maintain and balance your own energy field.
However, grounding is great for absolutely everyone and can help by giving you a renewed physical energy and a brighter, hopeful outlook and a deeper awareness of the magic of who you truly are.
As well as walking barefoot on our lush grass, another favourite way for me to ground is to connect with my garden: the plants the flowers and importantly my herbs.
At the beginning of this year I attended a Herbalism Course in Devon.
I have always loved herbs and being a home cook have grown them for culinary purposes over many years. Now, my love for herbs has grown exponentially and I have over 35 different herbs growing in our garden.
Using the herbs in our food, for teas, in oils and balms and tinctures has brought me so much joy (and health benefits) this year and I will be pursuing further sturdies to add to my herbal knowledge.
Our garden has been a source of much happiness again this year, my husbands prowess with veggie growing has been stellar, while I have been communicating with the Devas of flora and fauna. Our garden has been full of bees as we have planted with them in mind.
Another passion of mine, which is also excellent for grounding after working with my lovely clients, is foraging. Where we live in Bath the hedgerows, fields and canal tow paths are resplendent with free food, for the picking
This year, as the seasons have turned, I have been on foraging walks to pick wild garlic, nettles, dandelions, elderflowers, meadowsweet, blackberries, elderberries and I wait the appearance of the sloes in a few weeks.
Jams, soups, teas, pestos, biscuits, cakes, compotes, cordials, and my new favourite, dandelion syrup, have all been produced from my efforts. The scratched arms and stained fingers are all part of the fun compensated by the eating enjoyment. Our local friends and visitors are also recipients of this bounty.
So, if you’re planning a trip to the UK, or visiting from within England, please include Bath in your itinerary, and come and have a reading, a cuppa and some cake or other goodies at our home.
Throughout this dynamic year of global change I have been busy with lots of personal sessions with my clients, both face-to-face and via Zoom. It certainly seems like most people have had challenges, decisions to make and are questioning where they need to be and how their life path is unfolding.
A recurrent theme is the question of “where should I live to fulfil my life purpose”.
So many people are now moving away from their old established lives and joining new communities, hubs of friendship and work and being more independent in their way of living.
Every day we face decisions to be made, some are mundane, some subconscious and some seem like great boulders or obstacles on our path. Please give yourself permission to be still, take time to go within and ask yourself an important question ” how do I want to feel after I make this decision?”
So, if you too, are trying to work out “where to from here?” and need some support in figuring out your time lines and choices please don’t hesitate to contact me ( as I would be honoured to assist you.
Since February 2021 it has been my pleasure to host a monthly Awaken Community Meetup on Zoom.
In our gatherings we discuss spiritual topics, answer questions and join in a guided meditation.
Judging by the positive feedback I’ve received from our global attendees, it appears that our Awaken Community has provided a wonderful support network of like-minded souls who are all striving to further their spiritual awareness and understanding and to develop their own gifts and abilities.
In our more recent meetups we have been having what one could describe as campfire pow wows, where members of our Awaken Community have spoken of the gifts, talents and passions that they embody and can bring to offer to the group. This process has provided us with fascinating and inspiring insights about what everyone has to give to be of service to others.
For me, this is why we are here: Service to Others rather than Service to Self.
If we have learned anything over the past two years of turmoil, Service to Others is essential as we move forward in a higher vibratory frequency on Earth.
Please accept my invitation to join us for our next Awaken Community Meetup on Wednesday 2nd November.
In this upcoming meetup we will listen to two more of our group speak and for the first time, in addition to our meditation, I shall be inviting those attending to prepare and ask a question or two of any nature, about anything, as this will give us, as a group, an opportunity to explore a whole range of interesting topics.
All details, times and dates regarding our meetups may be found here or go to
We also offer recordings of all past Awaken Community Meetups in our shop. so you can enjoy the spiritual topics and meditations in your own time.
To book your place click here or visit :
If you are unable to join us live then you can select the Recording Only option when booking and still receive the full benefit of the group energy.
I do hope you can join us.
Right now we are in a time of rebalance following the Spring/Autumn Equinox in Libra.
This is all about finding that balance within ourselves and to stay centred and, of course, grounded.
In the northern hemisphere we approach the darker nights and winter, while those in the southern hemisphere look forward to the return of the warmth. Each season has its benefits and blessings and in recognising them we become more in tune with Gaia herself and this, in turn, sustains and heals us.
I send much Love and Blessings to you and look forward to hearing from you or helping you on your path if need be.