Hello dear Souls,
Happy Solstice!
The Winter Solstice is the shortest day and longest night in the northern hemisphere, while in the Southern hemisphere it is the longest day and shortest night – the Summer Solstice.
This year, the December Capricorn Solstice occurs in the UK on Wednesday 21st December at 9.48 pm (UTC) which means that the corresponding time in Sydney is on Thursday 22nd December at 8.48 am
The Solstice marks the astronomical start of winter or summer in either hemisphere.
The veil between this world and the spirit world is always thinner at the time of solstices and equinoxes. So, this solstice marks a wonderful time to go within and connect to your own inner knowing and to the guidance of your loved ones in spirit, your soul family and all your spiritual support in the form of your guides, the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Community.
It is a powerful time to set new intentions as we begin a new phase. Finding your own way forward in a world that has changed so much in the past few years, being true to yourself and forming a vision of how you would like your own personal world to look are all hallmarks of this time of major energy shifts.
This is also a time of expanded awareness and consciousness. For those who have felt outside of the mainstream and unsupported there seems to be a movement now towards creating a New Earth and being leaders in the new expression of our society.
The Solstice is a time of ending and beginning- a time to contemplate your spiritual immortality and the aspect of the Divine you carry within you whilst being in human form. A time to also contemplate what it is to be human and to give thanks for being here at this extraordinary time in our history. A time to forgive and be forgiven and to make a fresh start. A time to awaken.
Many cultures around the world have held feasts and rituals at the time of the solstice. Fire and light are traditional symbols of the celebrations held on the darkest day of the year. This is the day in the northern hemisphere when the astronomical wheel turns and we once again look towards the return of the Sun/Son.
The earth and cosmic energies are currently very strong and building as we are being bathed in a deluge of extremely high frequency Light. The Schumann resonance (the measurement of the earth’s energy, or the “earths heartbeat”) is reflecting this influx of high frequency energy.
It is a time of great change when Gaia, as a planet, and we, as humanity, move into a world based on love, joy, freedom, compassion, gratitude and abundance.
This Solstice and the Yule Festive season with Christmas give us the opportunity to brightly shine our own Light to all those around us and to send that Light out into the world to connect with the light of others.
My gift to you at this time is the Solstice Meditation below .
Thank you for being a part of my world for yet another year on our journey.
I wish you and yours a joyous and love-filled Solstice and Christmas.
With Love and Blessings,
Ruthie x x x
Solstice Meditation